Anime Exactly Like Wolf Girl and Black Prince

Anime Exactly Like Wolf Girl and Black Prince

Hybrids of humans and animals are a common plot device in a wide variety of media. A long time agone, it was such. People are drawn to the fantastical, and this may explicate why. In anime, wolf-human hybrids are a common plot device. In various anime, there are numerous characters who fit this description. Look at some of the female wolf-human hybrids that have been seen on screen in anime. There is no particular bureaucracy to the items on this list. For example, if you lot've seen anime like Wolf Girl or Black Prince.

15. Arf, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha

Arf, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha

Arf, a gorgeous wolf demon from the magic, drama anime series 'Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha', is the first character on the listing. After meeting a talking ferret with an injury, Takamichi Nanoha's daily routine is transformed. That'southward where she ended up after listening to the ferret'due south cry for aid via telepathy. Yuuno, a wizard and archaeologist from another world, has been revealed to be the ferret. Inadvertently, he has spread poisonous gem seeds across the globe. He'southward now in desperate demand of assistance in his quest to locate all of the jewel seeds. Equally a reward for her assistance, he gives Nanoha a cherry jewel, which she uses to transform into a magical beingness and take on the creatures after the seeds. Arf, Fate'south familiar, is a wizard on a quest to discover the seeds for the sake of her mother. Fate's guardian, Arf, is extremely caring and protective of her.

14. Minna-Dietlinde "Fürstin" Wilcke, Strike Witches


Furstin Wilcke, a wolf-daughter from the action and war machine anime series "Strike Witches," is both adorable and fierce. There's as well a little ecchi in in that location. Bank check out this anime if you're a fan of that sort of matter. The anime is set in the midst of World War Ii, which is in its throes. Simply this is a unlike kind of conflict, in which we are pitted against aerial assailants rather than Nazis. Naturally, humans are sick-equipped to defend themselves against such attacks, leaving the witches to take the lead. The 501st Joint Wing's Minna is a fighter. In fight, she assumes her wolf form, with long ears and a fluffy tail. She's adorable in this shape, to say the least.

13. Eruruu, Utawarerumono

Eruruu, Utawarerumono

In the fantasy anime 'Utawarerumono,' Eruruu serves equally the protagonist. She's a fox-daughter who rescues a human being she found in the woods. She looks like a fox. The individual appears to be completely disoriented, with no recollection of how or why he ended up at that place or who he is. In fact, he doesn't even know his own name. Her grandmother and her younger sister live at Eruruu's cottage, and then she takes him there. He is given the name Hakuoro. Hakuoro is unable to remove the mask covering his face. Because he lacks the typical wolf traits like large, precipitous ears or an extra-length tail, he stands out among the locals. We don't know who this guy is. Subsequently, Eruruu falls caput over heels in love with Hakuoro.

12. Riza Wildman, Kaibutsu Oujo

Riza Wildman, Kaibutsu Oujo

Kaibutsu Oujo's seductive wolf-girl Riza Wildman is a half-brood one-half-wolf from the supernatural action anime. The plot of the anime centers on Hiro Hiyorimi, a fellow who sacrifices his life in social club to save the life of a daughter. Hiro will exist granted a take chances to live every bit the guard of Hime, the daughter he was trying to salvage, because she is the daughter of the monster king. A imperial assassin assassinated Riza Wildman's brother and she initially thought it was Hime, but her confusions were somewhen cleared out. Her mother is human and her male parent is a werewolf. Hybrid: She can but morph the arm upwardly to the elbow, therefore she's limited in how far she can go.

11. Lupusregina Beta, Overlord

In the isekai video game anime 'Overlord,' Lupusregina Beta appears equally a supporting character. 'Overlord' is i of the all-time video game anime where the protagonist is imprisoned inside the virtual world of a video game. Momonga, the protagonist in this story, is stuck in a game called Yggdrasil and must fight her way out. Momonga is one of the most powerful characters in this virtual universe. In the Nazarick tomb's lady fighting squad, Lupusregina is one of the six stars who make up the Pleiades Six. Beautiful, aggressive, vicious, and crafty are just some of the adjectives that describe her. Dark-brown skin and blood-red pilus in two braids narrate her appearance, which she wears almost of the time in her maid'due south uniform.

10. Ayame, InuYasha

Ayame, InuYasha

Wolf-girl Ayame from the anime series 'InuYasha' is really bonny. "InuYasha" is an activity-adventure anime about a girl who falls downwards a well while fighting a demon and ends up 500 years back in time. She somewhen discovers that the demon has attacked her because she possesses a wish-granting jewel within of her. However, the jewel is broken during the conflict and the fragments are spread. In order to retrieve the shards, Kagome enlists the aid of a domestic dog-demon named InuYasha. An adorable wolf daughter named Ayame is in love with a wolf male child named Kouga, simply he'southward been unfaithful almost their appointment. Ayame is a stunning young lady who is always seen with a sword in her manus. Wolf fur covers her shoulders and waist.

ix. Bianca (Whitney), Doubutsu no Mori

Bianca (Whitney), Doubutsu no Mori

In contrast to the typical fox girl, Bianca is a human woman with wolf-like characteristics. It'due south more accurate to describe Bianca as a wolf-girl than a human girl. Kimonos are her get-to outfits. Doubutsu no Mori's Bianca is ane of the film'southward leading ladies. The anime is a lot of fun, and it doesn't deal with whatsoever heavy subjects. This is a fantastic film for the whole family. Artificial Intelligence (AI) moves to an brute settlement and settles in.

eight. Yuki, Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki

An excellent anime picture is 'Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki'. It'due south a must-run across for anybody who hasn't yet. The anime'southward master protagonist, Hana. She's a dazzler who works difficult. She develops feelings for a strange new honey involvement. After a while, she learns that he'southward actually the final remaining werewolf in the world! Despite this, she continues to live with him and their ii children. They're both half-wolves, half-humans. Yuki, the ambrosial wolf-girl, is one of the youngsters there. She'southward adorable, I tell you lot. Because she'due south the older of the two kids, information technology'due south her voice we hear as the story unfolds.

7. Millhiore Firianno Biscotti, Domestic dog Days

Millhiore Firianno Biscotti, Dog Days

The majority of y'all have probably guessed that 'Canis familiaris Days' volition feature dogs rather than wolves. However, given that wolves are the relatives of dogs, nosotros'll overlook this for the sake of Millhiore Firianno biscotti, the second cutest thing on our listing. Because she brought Cinque Izumi from Earth, she is the anime'due south female heroine. She had no idea, however, that once a hero is hither, he tin can never be taken back. All of her subjects adore Millhiore, who serves as the lifeblood of their realm. She'due south as well a pretty good singer who performs regularly. She is smitten by Cinque from the moment she kickoff sees him.

half-dozen. Blue, Wolf's Rain

Blue, Wolf's Rain

To become their beast forms, the wolves in "Wolf's Rain" accept the chapters to change fully. The anime's Blue is a supporting character. Her features include a dark complexion, blue eyes, and black pilus that frames her face up perfectly. Quent Yaiden has her as a pet canis familiaris, and she'south adequately lovely. Bluish has no idea she is descended from wolves, therefore she acts similar a domestic dog and goes on wolf hunts with Quent. Later, when she meets Cheza, her wolf self reawakens, and she decides to exit Quent because she feels she shouldn't be hunting her own kind in the commencement place. The plot of the anime follows a pack of wolves as they search for the gateway to paradise, a promised region reserved exclusively for wolves.

five. Liru, Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan

In the magic and comedy series 'Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan', Liru is a werewolf and ane of the major characters. She has a practiced figure and is frequently depicted in skimpy habiliment. Despite her fair complexion, she has blonde pilus and brown eyes. As a wolf, Liru can entirely shift into a yellow puppy, even though she looks similar a wolf most of the time while she does so. Any time Liru sees something that resembles or is shaped similar the moon, she seems to alter form. In spite of this, she has the ability to partially protect herself from beingness afflicted by the existent moon. In that location are four more than girls, all of them are unique and possess incredible powers. Liru is one of them.

4. Luna Tsukuyomi, Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou

Luna Tsukuyomi, Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou

From 'Genei wo kakeru Taiyou,' comes Luna Tsukuyomi, 1 of the magical girls. The anime'south protagonist is Akari Taiyou. As a result of the death of her mother, she moves under the care of her aunt, uncle, and cousin Fuyuna. Akira has a deck of tarot cards with her since she aspires to become a fortune teller. She has a nightmare in which she is attacked by a plant monster while she sleeps. The monster is defeated by a far more powerful version of herself. After she wakes upwards, she discovers that Fuyuna was the monster. As fourth dimension goes on, everyone begins to forget almost Fuyuna'due south presence. She wakes up and is rescued past three magical girls, who tell her that she has special powers that tin can help save the earth from the Daemonia. Luna transforms into a werewolf as a result of Daemonia'southward influence. As a result of her envy, she was prone to being manipulated by others.

3. Ai, Dragon Crisis

Dragon Crisis' Ai is a one-half-wolf, half-human who appears to possess magical and supernatural abilities. She'southward known equally the "Odd Heart" because each of her eyes is a different shade of the same hue. One eye is golden and the other bluish. This thief has a tattoo that permits her to turn into a one-half-wolf, and she is a thief equally well. The tattoo was done by her main. When her parents died, he told her he was going to use her as an experiment and lied to her. He fifty-fifty went and then far as to tell her that she was born half-wolf. As Kisaragi Ryuji attempts to safeguard the dragon girl rose from the black organisation, the anime follows his exploits. Ai admires Ryuji for saving her from the life she was leading as a thief.

2. Nozomu Ezomori, Kanokon

Nozomu Ezomori, Kanokon

'Kanokon' wolf girl Nozomu Ezomori is named afterwards her. Kouta Oyamada, the protagonist, has a supernatural condition. Inexplicably, he keeps cartoon animal spirits to him. To avoid making an impression at his new high school, he relocates to the city and ends up existence attracted to a slew of females who are animal spirits. A showtime-yr student at the same school as Kouta, Nozomu is a wolf deity. She's ambrosial, and her hair is silvery-white. She is a rival to Chizuru since she is in dear with Kouta. Nozomu'southward older brother Saku, a voracious reader of pornographic magazines, serves equally a sort of road map to wooing Kouta. She is a foodie to the point of excess. She lives in a posh apartment in a loftier-rise building.

ane. Holo, Ookami to Koushinryou

Holo, Ookami to Koushinryou

The anime 'Ookami to Koushinryou' is quite good. In that location are just thirteen episodes in total, but it'south a lot of fun to watch. The anime's protagonist is Holo, a female graphic symbol. She is a deity of the wolf harvest. The folks of a small town revere her because she pledges to bless their crops each yr. In one case villages get more self-sufficient over time, Holo fades away to become a fable. A trader happens onto Holo and accepts her offer of partnership if he takes her to Yoitsu, the country of Yoitsu. Holo has brown ears and is a lovely creature. Her eyes are a bright red.

Anime Exactly Like Wolf Girl and Black Prince



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