Does Zoochosis Occur in Animals That Live on Preserves

Does Zoochosis Occur in Animals That Live on Preserves

When you look into the optics of animals at the zoo, you often see boredom, sadness, bare stares, broken spirits, frustration and despair. Animals in zoos are forced to alive their entire lives in captivity—in pocket-size unnatural spaces or cages, surrounded by artificial environments, where noises overwhelm and frighten them, cameras flash relentlessly, teenagers taunt and tease and throw things at them, and song crowds stress them. They are deprived of everything that is natural and instinctual for them—everything they desire in life.

Captured in the wild and zoo breeding programs

Animals in zoos oasis't had a proficient by. They may have started out their journey to a zoo by beingness captured in the wild, ripped away from their families and shipped long distances in isolation to a completely unnatural, foreign surroundings. Or they are part of a zoo breeding program, where they are built-in into captivity and transferred from ane zoo to the next, often over and over again. Many of these animals are highly social, and they are not given a adventure to bond with others or are ripped away from their bonded friends, and nigh are isolated and lone, leading to obsessive and abnormal behaviors.

Animals are treated equally bolt in zoos. Their sole purpose is to describe crowds and generate income for the zoo. But this philosophy of capturing from the wild, or breeding in captivity, all to confine wild animals for entertainment, needs to exist reconsidered and changed. Here is more about where zoo animals come from .

A camel in a zoo. Image credit Kim Bartlett – Animal People, Inc.

Unnatural, unhealthy weather condition

Many animals in the wild travel long distances and are highly mobile, but in a zoo they are confined within cages, barns, and small enclosures. They may exist exposed to weather that is unnatural for their species. Some zoos shut in winter months due to extreme temperatures and snow, and so animals are forced inside to alive within in cramped and oftentimes barren enclosures.

Captive animals oft lose their minds and develop a psychotic condition termed "zoochosis," where the animate being may injure themselves, pull out their fur or feathers, lick incessantly to comfort themselves, pace or rock dorsum and along. This distressing beliefs is rampant in zoos, across many species. This is so common, in fact, that zoo veterinarians will sedate their animals with antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs, then they can ameliorate endure their suffering. Is this what we want? Is this right? Please don't back up the cruelty of zoos.

Roadside and traveling zoos

These are the worst form of zoos. Many are illegitimate, incompetent in beast care, and underfunded and so animals are poorly cared for or starving. The animals experience constant stress and misery in these zoos—they are kept in extremely pocket-size, often filthy, barren cages or concrete pens or are immobilized on a chain, and live in completely unnatural environments.

A blackness bear in a Texas roadside zoo. Image credit Mary Bloom , CC BY-SA 2.0.

These roadside exhibits are sometimes called "animal sanctuaries," only they are a far cry from an actual sanctuary. True fauna sanctuaries that rescue and rehabilitate animals never breed or sell animals. They exist purely to provide a needed safe, healthy home for animals. The sanctuary asks nothing of the animal, and would never breed. True fauna sanctuaries' mission has nothing to do with turn a profit, only with animal welfare.

With constant travel comes constant stress. Animals in traveling shows spend their entire lives confined to entertain the public. But this is non entertainment. These animals feel countless and overwhelming colorlessness, despair, loneliness and frequently abuse from the people caring for them. Nearly of them never receive proper veterinary intendance or preventative care, and they ofttimes die prematurely. In the United states of america, there is nearly no regulation or enforcement of regulatory and creature welfare codes. Only 100 USDA officers manage 8600 licensees , which means very little, if any, oversight and regulation.

Drive-through safari wildlife parks

In the U.S., these are often called wildlife parks, game parks, safari parks or drive-through wild fauna preserves. What might non be so obvious from the outside is that many are profiting off of breeding and selling wild fauna to the pet merchandise or other exotic animal dealers, producing nevertheless more suffering and an overpopulation of unwanted animals. Some parks are known for holding surplus animals out of view. If yous are allowed to hold or pet a baby animal, chances are fantabulous that that facility breeds exotic animals and sells them for profit.

Ane park was found to be breeding bears to transport them to slaughterhouses so their gall bladders and other body parts could be sold illegally in Asia. The park essentially ran a bear "factory farm." Another wildlife bulldoze-through safari bred and sold tigers, shot them off-site and sold their hides. Some parks sell wild animals to convict safari hunting businesses, mainly located in the southern U.Southward., with many in Texas. Another park forces elephants to perform for visitors.

A zebra approaches a car at drive-through safari park Olympic Game Subcontract in Sequim, Washington. Image credit Cromely , CC BY-SA ii.0.

Petting zoos

Wild animals used in petting zoos are besides beingness used for profit. Living in a petting zoo causes the animals undue stress, inadequate balance periods, lack of water, lack of proper food and nutrition, and forces the animal to live in an unnatural surroundings where they have to collaborate with people all mean solar day. Frequently these animals can snap due to constant touching and handling against their wishes. They are wildlife and should never be petted or handled. The spread of infection and bacteria from petting wildlife is also quite common.

What you tin can do

  1. Don't patronize zoos, wildlife safaris or amusement parks that take wild animals. Boycott them! Share about the misery of zoos and safaris with friends and family and ask them non to ever buy a ticket.
  2. Watch nature films instead. Larn nigh animals past watching wild animals documentaries, where you tin can observe animals in their natural habitats.
  3. Parents, explain to your children why zoos and safaris can exist bad places for animals and why you don't support them.
  4. Visit an animal sanctuary instead. Go to an accredited animal sanctuary where animals are well cared for and the sole purpose is the rescue of animals from neglect and cruelty.
  5. Track beast abuse. If you visit a zoo, track any abuses or substandard weather using this Zoo Check Form from Built-in Free Us or this Creature Alert from People for the Ethical Handling of Animals (PETA).

This article originally appeared on the Humane Decisions website.

Featured image: an orangutan at the Columbus Zoo. Prototype credit Mark Dumont , CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Does Zoochosis Occur in Animals That Live on Preserves



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